Andreina's Blog
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
HII BLOG!! Today officially marks the day that the AICE project comes to an end! Although I can't help but say I'm excited, but also extremely grateful to have gone through this whole process, and especially to go through it with my closest friend, Nicole. Without her, I literally would NOT have known what to do and would've been so lost. These past 9 weeks have been stressful, yet super exciting and fun as it is rewarding to see everything come together in the end.
Honestly, the whole 9 weeks did not feel long at all and felt like 4 weeks at most. From the beginning, I had serious doubts about this and was extremely nervous, as this was something super new to me and my partner and we had never even THOUGHT of doing anything close to a movie opening. But as time went on, I soon learned that I knew more than I genuinely thought I did, as everything that I had done prior in that class all came together and helped me in the making of this. Since this project allowed so much creative freedom and was not strict on rules, it helped me and my partners' creativity flow as much as we wanted it to, which helped us a lot too as we never felt restricted or like we could not put our own original ideas out there.
One of the things I mostly struggled with was editing, as prior to this project I had only done minimalistic editing for basic projects, but I knew that for this one it would be more complex. Something that really helped me was the own schedule I had made prior to even starting the project, which helped with staying on track and helped me notice if we were ever falling behind. Even though the schedule was not followed, it was still a good guideline to have.
I can honestly say that in these past 9 weeks, I have learned so much. This project helped me with not only editing and filming, but also managing time, and with skills that I will need for my whole life. I can proudly say that these 9 weeks went by smoothly, and I'm super grateful to have the end product of our opening, remains;
My last 2 blog post will be my CCRS and opening. Thank you for following along this journey, and I hope you enjoy!!
Sunday, March 31, 2024
HIII BLOG!! So basically, the first CCR I did which was the talk show host one got deleted for some reason, but I had made sure to download my clips, so all of today I made sure to re-edit the CCR, and I have all done!
As for my second CCR, I will be doing a canva presentation and speaking over it, but to not make it boring I will make sure to include many clips of our movie, so the audience does not get bored. This CCR I will be finishing tomorrow, as I have the presentation done but I was extremely busy over break and could not get to it.
As for the film editing, everything has been going super smooth, and I and Nicole have been switching between various different editing applications, as different things are easier on different platforms.
I have decided to edit my CCR's on capcut as it is the easiest platform for me to use. The hardest part of this project has been the editing part, as I am very good at filming and with shots and angels, but usually not very good at editing, as that is why I only know how to use capcut, but this project has helped me step out of my shell to try new things.
Saturday, March 30, 2024
For the font of our intro, we have decided to do research and not just pick any font, as we know that font is also a specific detail that helps shape movies in general. We wanted to find a font that fit the specific genre we were doing, but we also wanted to find a font that fit our specific movie opening as well.
Some of the options we had were:
Friday, March 29, 2024
HIIII BLOG!! So basically, this week has been super rough due to it being spring break. Me and Nicole have started editing, but I do not have any pictures due to it being on Nicoles computer.
Our intro starts off with a black screen, then it cuts to them talking that was filmed on a digital camera, and then the screen goes back to black with the title name appearing.
For the font, we are not really sure yet what it will be, but my next post will be figuring out which font we will choose. We want the font to be a distinct font that shows the fear and mystery that we want to project in our movie.
Also, for my CCRS, I have officially finished editing my first CCR! For my second one, I will probably film it tomorrow it Sunday. It will be either me talking to the camera, or I will make my mom or dad asking questions pretending to be part of the press. When I was trying to research ideas for my CCR, that came up and I thought it was super good, and it gave me some inspiration, but I don't know if I would do that, due to my first CCR being that someone already asked me questions.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
HIII BLOG!! This week in Aice Media, my teacher went over the second part of the Aice project that is required, which is the CCR. Im still...
HIIII BLOG!! So basically, this week has been super rough due to it being spring break. Me and Nicole have started editing, but I do not ha...